York Regions Top 5 Wanted Auto Theft Criminals
Auto theft is getting out-of-hand and in 2023, over 5000 vehicles were stolen in the York Region alone. Most vehicles get transferred to the Port of Montreal and shipped across the Atlantic while some get re-vinned and are sold domestically.
These are the top 5 individuals wanted for auto thefts:

Mansor Abdul, 34, his last know address was in Brossard, Quebec. He was considered the “Mastermind” of auto theft when Project Majestic (2023) was being conducted. Abdul apparently fled to Kabul, Afghanistan to evade arrest and has not returned to Canada.

Abu Ayi, 44, his last known address was Toronto. Through Project Victory (2020), he was identified as the leader that targeted Honda and Toyota SUV’s for driveway thefts. YRP recovered 70 stolen vehicles and also linked 32 vehicles that were shipped to Ghana and Nigeria. Ayi is believed to have fled Canada to Ghana using a false passport.

Ala Malak Mekdad, 23, of Montreal, Quebec, was identified through Project Touchdown (2022). YRP arrested 51 individuals and recovered 215 vehicles valued at approximately 17 million dollars. Mekdad was the alleged leader of one of the crews that targeted driveway thefts in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) using a method of reprogramming key fobs called “relay theft”.

Both Amiel Tambwe Katende and Modibo Bamba are 21 years of age. Through Project Serpent (2021), they were identified being involved in a large theft crew that targeted high-end vehicles in the GTA. They have both fled to Montreal, Quebec and are still wanted.
News Articles:
- CTV News – These are the top 5 most wanted for auto theft in York Region: Crime Stoppers
- Newmarket Today – Crime Stoppers doubles rewards for 5 most wanted for auto theft
Closing Remarks:
Great job by the York Region Police through many projects over the years. Hundreds of vehicles have been recovered and large auto theft rings have been thwarted. Auto theft is a huge business so be vigilant, park your vehicles in your garage and if possible, use a steering lock. Keep key fobs away from the door or put them into a faraday bag.
Remember, if you see any of these individuals, DO NOT attempt to apprehend, dial 9-1-1 and report where you have seen him/her.